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Lausanne, Switzerland

6.5 Rijeka
4.5 Ljubljana
3.5 Genova
16.4 Grenoble
15.4 Laveyron
14.4 Marseille
13.4 Genève
11.3 Espace autogéré Loz
17.2 SAS Delémont
19.11 Kuzeb
18.11 Gisi Winti
06.11 Bullet
22.10 Nancy
19.10 LUFF OFF Loz
(earlier with name Döds)
1.7 Ecurie GE
12.5 Zelig Loz
15.4 Kuzeb
18.3 Koch Zürich
26.2 Elsi Basel
25.2 Tanneries Dijon
24.2 Kariesbar Bern